Marvin Segel, founder of The Y Networks and son of QVC founder Joseph Segel joins the show to discuss his fathers upbringing, how he started the Franklin Mint, and eventually QVC. In part one, Shawn and Marvin discuss all that went into the planning for QVC, and how that first day went.
Shawn continues with some conversation about the early days of QVC, and its buyout of the number one network at the time, CVN. The conversation continues around Marvins first time as a guest, and what it takes to be a good guest, which gets us into the start of our conversation about what Marvin is working on today, which could change the industry.
Marvin Segel chats about the importance of a guest to the TV shopping experience, and what makes a good (or bad) guest. Shawn then has Marvin talk more about his personal involvement at QVC. Later in the episode, Shawn and Marv begin to discuss the “Y Networks”, which could likely be where this industry is heading.
In the final episode with Marvin Segel, the topics range from do we need all the shopping networks we have, to where the industry is going, and a look back on what brought Marvin to Shop NBC. It’s a fascinating interview and Shawn and Marvin are already chatting about what to do next.
Marvin Segel is back (with improved audio) to chat about the USA Network series “America’s Big Deal”. Executive produced by famed TV shopping guest and inventor Joy Mangano, it’s billed as America’s first “shoppable competition series that invites entrepreneurs from across the country to sell their ready-made products on-air to home viewers”. Did it work? Shawn and Marvin will share their thoughts on this special episode.
All links and content can be found here: